mollybethmorris: Club Book?
mollybethmorris: bows and lace
mollybethmorris: purple silk
mollybethmorris: Smashing Ashley's long hair (won't last)
mollybethmorris: Mary, red purse
mollybethmorris: Mary and Ashley at Sam and Zoey's
mollybethmorris: Johnna loves coffee
mollybethmorris: Johnna makes a blanket, Mary makes a kimono.
mollybethmorris: knitting
mollybethmorris: Ashley and Mary, sewing a kimono
mollybethmorris: Polaroids of us
mollybethmorris: Mary draws a picture of a dancing accordion
mollybethmorris: Jo Jo Mo Mo
mollybethmorris: Jo Jo Po Po
mollybethmorris: Johnna waits for Jenna, I prepare to hide in the bathroom
mollybethmorris: Jo Jo and 2x4 wait for Jenna's arrival
mollybethmorris: sketches of what was there before
mollybethmorris: pictures on the wall
mollybethmorris: Dancing Accordion, Walking Stick
mollybethmorris: not good enough
mollybethmorris: freshman vs. modern
mollybethmorris: The Jones
mollybethmorris: short tall
mollybethmorris: Prince Charming's huge hair
mollybethmorris: heart kites