mollymcl: Mike Ribeiro checks out the competition
mollymcl: Otter
mollymcl: Ott & Ref
mollymcl: No Goal!!!
mollymcl: Barch
mollymcl: Barch & Neal
mollymcl: Otter's Goal forces overtime
mollymcl: Ribs
mollymcl: Daley's OT Goal
mollymcl: OT Goal over the Redwings
mollymcl: OT Goal over the Redwings
mollymcl: Barch and Daley
mollymcl: Daley and Neal Celebrate OT Goal
mollymcl: Daley and Neal Celebrate
mollymcl: OT GWG
mollymcl: Ott & Turco after win over Detroit
mollymcl: Steve Ott
mollymcl: Brad Richards
mollymcl: Steve Ott