mollylengel: Cabot on doormat
mollylengel: Cabot=cool, Molly=crazy
mollylengel: Cabot scared of going down stairs
mollylengel: Cabot with a tongue!
mollylengel: Cabot on the new tile floor in the bathroom!
mollylengel: Lazy, lazy dog!
mollylengel: He won't fit there for long!
mollylengel: Cabot taking up as much floor as possible
mollylengel: With a paw folded under
mollylengel: Watching the treat in my hand
mollylengel: Where could Cabot be?
mollylengel: He's going to get stuck under there pretty soon.
mollylengel: Puppy under the bed
mollylengel: Big head shot
mollylengel: Chillin in the outdoor pen
mollylengel: Shaking after a swim
mollylengel: Kyle and Cabot in the pool
mollylengel: Very angry dog
mollylengel: Almost asleep in the car
mollylengel: Being a good rider
mollylengel: Very relaxed on the deck
mollylengel: Clean, but very angry
mollylengel: Escaping from the porch
mollylengel: Relaxing on the deck