mollykiely: Fall 1953 Montgomery Ward catalogue used as recipe scrapbook
mollykiely: stop being afraid
mollykiely: chin support
mollykiely: bathroom needs
mollykiely: from the Cornish Hen promo
mollykiely: Smith's Pride Cornish Hen
mollykiely: 1953 astro jammies
mollykiely: 1953 dinette sets
mollykiely: give glamor to your dishes
mollykiely: Inside the Montgomery Ward recipe scrapbook
mollykiely: Inside the Montgomery Ward recipe scrapbook
mollykiely: Inside the Montgomery Ward recipe scrapbook
mollykiely: The Postman Always Rings Twice...
mollykiely: Nephi Grigg, president of Ore-Ida
mollykiely: Ore-Ida ad found in Montgomery Ward catalogue / scrapbook
mollykiely: mmm, pears
mollykiely: mmm...pear compote
mollykiely: Rhino Holds Still for Her Milking
mollykiely: Rice Chex recipes
mollykiely: 999 Uses!
mollykiely: mmm, liver strips
mollykiely: interior vignette
mollykiely: interior vignette
mollykiely: Ru-Rita hair nets
mollykiely: Montgomery Ward personal grooming items
mollykiely: Montgomery Ward socks
mollykiely: interior vignette
mollykiely: Mother / Toddler luncheons
mollykiely: Mother / Toddler luncheons
mollykiely: tuna recipes