mollykiely: ruellia in the pool
mollykiely: tuna peelings
mollykiely: tunas in a bucket
mollykiely: foraging tunas
mollykiely: mesquite pods
mollykiely: ...while Perla was splashing in puddles, I was getting my Goldsworthy on.
mollykiely: texas ranger blossoms
mollykiely: fairy duster
mollykiely: red yucca and texas ranger
mollykiely: matilija poppy
mollykiely: creosote bush
mollykiely: portulaca with strawbales
mollykiely: mexican evening primrose
mollykiely: narcissus
mollykiely: purple flower I forget the name of
mollykiely: tulipa
mollykiely: bleeding hearts
mollykiely: hyacinths attack!
mollykiely: molly, day 362
mollykiely: m & p in grant park
mollykiely: desert willow about to burst
mollykiely: kangaroo paw on a windy day
mollykiely: palo verde in bloom
mollykiely: cane cholla
mollykiely: baja fairy dusters
mollykiely: globe mallow...
mollykiely: hedgehog cactus flower
mollykiely: saguaro skin
mollykiely: saguaro rib
mollykiely: desert larkspur