mollykiely: secret #30: I miss my daily yoga practice and am sad that I've let it go for so long. I hereby commit to resuming it...even if it's just 30 minutes a day. I further commit to a daily yoga picture.
mollykiely: secret #29: When I was pregnant, I finally learned to love my body.
mollykiely: secret #28: I'm relieved that Perla now refuses to wear cloth diapers. (Even though I was committed to doing cloth.)
mollykiely: secret #27: I love to procrastinate by doing the NY Times crossword.
mollykiely: secret #26: Sometimes I let the bastards get me down.
mollykiely: secret #25: I think Eddie Hazel's solo on Maggot Brain is the most awesomest awesome guitar solo ever.
mollykiely: secret #24: one of the things that got me excited about being a stay-at-home mom was the prospect of being able to wear glitter whenever I wanted.
mollykiely: secret #23: If Perla falls asleep in the car...I leave her there.
mollykiely: secret #21: I have been doing the crazy face excercises I saw in "Stardust Memories" everyday for the past 25 years.
mollykiely: secret #20: I'm slightly obsessed with labial maintenance: I need to have a chapstick available at all times. (These are not all the chapsticks I own; there are more.)
mollykiely: secret #19: I don't use soap.
mollykiely: secret #18: I don't like wearing pants. All that fabric bunching up in my crotch: it's just too, ewww...
mollykiely: secret #17: I am not patriotic.
mollykiely: secret #15: I love to listen to the old folks' radio station in the car. You know, pre-rock n' roll, WWII era music.
mollykiely: secret #14: I'm a loner and a hermit. I still find it hard to believe that I got married and had a kid. I leave the house only because I know it's the healthy thing to do; otherwise, I'd stay put for as long as I could.
mollykiely: secret #13: My desk is always a mess.
mollykiely: secret #12: I don't find "comedy" very funny.
mollykiely: secret #11: Guns freak me out, but I wish I had the chutzpah to pack one like this guy.
mollykiely: secret #10: I am skeptical and cynical; I ascribe my overall happiness and (relative) sanity to these attributes.
mollykiely: secret #9: Most of my secrets are none of your business.
mollykiely: secret #8: I am an atheist.
mollykiely: secret #7: I only recently assured myself that over the counter pain relievers are not gateway drugs.
mollykiely: secret #6: Eating ice cream gives me more joy than losing those last 15 pounds would.
mollykiely: secret #5: Many of my exes would agree that I am insensitive and heartless.
mollykiely: secret #4: I have known so many fascinating people, and failed to stay in touch with the good majority of them...
mollykiely: secret #3: I am a foodie who loves Kraft Dinner.
mollykiely: secret #1: I've had insomnia my whole life.