mollycaitlin: We lived the dream for 2 days
mollycaitlin: Isaac is a good Texan already
mollycaitlin: This is Mark in the process of becoming a good Texan
mollycaitlin: Going brisket heavy is key
mollycaitlin: My beautiful best friend
mollycaitlin: We wanted a picture of both children
mollycaitlin: Miriam looked straight into the lens and said "No."
mollycaitlin: This is where meat comes from
mollycaitlin: This family
mollycaitlin: We brought our own Rubik's Cube
mollycaitlin: Singing baby
mollycaitlin: Schmoop
mollycaitlin: Alden means "old wise friend"
mollycaitlin: Trail of Lights
mollycaitlin: So much electricity
mollycaitlin: Smiling nicely after I yelled at him for blinking
mollycaitlin: Blue DeChelli
mollycaitlin: This toddler shared his toys for TWO DAYS STRAIGHT
mollycaitlin: Even with the dog
mollycaitlin: Filing this away should they ever get married
mollycaitlin: Jam face
mollycaitlin: My Junior Miss Pac-Man
mollycaitlin: He was so good about explaining things to me
mollycaitlin: Ripe for each other
mollycaitlin: Gamers
mollycaitlin: Michael John, baby sherpa
mollycaitlin: Exhausted parents
mollycaitlin: Waiting patiently
mollycaitlin: Collecting all the acorns
mollycaitlin: A movie star