molliegamo: #NotreDame #Paris @stephjinla
molliegamo: Jumping for marriage. #EiffelTower #Paris @stephjinla
molliegamo: Crazy #firedancer in front of #NotreDame in #Paris with @stephjinla
molliegamo: The remarkable #PalaisGarnier #opera house in #Paris - amazing! @stephjinla
molliegamo: A lot of fuss over one lady. #MonaLisa #museedulouvre #Louvre #Paris #DaVinci with @stephjinla
molliegamo: #ArcDeTriomphe #Paris with @stephjinla
molliegamo: This Parisian is serenading Stephie and my lock. #accordian #PontDesAmoureux #Paris @stephjinla
molliegamo: It's far but it's there. #EiffelTower #paris #view @stephjinla
molliegamo: It was an overcast day but it didn't dampen our mood. #EiffelTower #Paris @stephjinla
molliegamo: #Louvre #Paris with @stephjinla #underwater #museedulouvre