moline: Houses in Lueneburg
moline: Lueneburg houses
moline: Late afternoon walk through our town
moline: Spring is trying hard this year
moline: "our house - in the middle of our street"
moline: new shop in town
moline: new shop in town
moline: Old Lueneburg
moline: When DH goes shopping-
moline: Shop display
moline: Sleigh ride by the Elbe canal
moline: Ice on the Elbe canal
moline: Lueneburg collage
moline: lueneburg collage in springy colours
moline: Lueneburg collage
moline: Lueneburg
moline: Karlsson Cafe
moline: The living window
moline: Blue door
moline: Blue door
moline: The Children's library
moline: A day exploring the nature trail
moline: George on his way
moline: Stop on the nature trail
moline: Museum
moline: Heather
moline: Cafe Roses
moline: Buksbom
moline: Buksbom
moline: First Cafe visit