Anka in Kyiv: on the road to Chornobyl, the egg sculpture near Ivankiv
Anka in Kyiv: The check-in station for the Exclusion Zone
Anka in Kyiv: The check-in station for the Exclusion Zone
Anka in Kyiv: at the check-in station
Anka in Kyiv: at the check-in station
Anka in Kyiv: abandonded house hidden in the overgrown bushes
Anka in Kyiv: abandoned house hidden in the bushes
Anka in Kyiv: marijuana plant
Anka in Kyiv: entering the village of Chornobyl
Anka in Kyiv: entering the village of Chornobyl
Anka in Kyiv: exit sign from the village of Chornobyl
Anka in Kyiv: looking away from village of Chornobyl
Anka in Kyiv: entry sign to the village of Chornobyl
Anka in Kyiv: at the entry sign to the village of Chornobyl
Anka in Kyiv: a building in the village of Chornobyl
Anka in Kyiv: Chornobylinterinform headquarters
Anka in Kyiv: building in the town of Chornobyl
Anka in Kyiv: radiation warning flags in "hot spots"
Anka in Kyiv: partially constructed cooling tower
Anka in Kyiv: unfinished 5th and 6th reactors
Anka in Kyiv: unfinished 5th and 6th reactors
Anka in Kyiv: first views of 3rd and 4th reactors
Anka in Kyiv: 1st and 2nd reactors
Anka in Kyiv: 4th reactor and sarcophagus
Anka in Kyiv: power station
Anka in Kyiv: 4th reactor/sarcophagus
Anka in Kyiv: sarcophagus
Anka in Kyiv: 3rd and 4th reactors
Anka in Kyiv: Monument commemorating 20th anniversary of completion of the sarcophagus
Anka in Kyiv: checking the dose