mojohand: Ready for any rain
mojohand: Typical picnic table detritus
mojohand: Set up
mojohand: Ready for coffee?
mojohand: Mini-tenting tonight
mojohand: The LoneRider MiniTent
mojohand: our compound
mojohand: Willville
mojohand: Ray at camp
mojohand: Willville camping
mojohand: Home sweet Hubba Hubba home
mojohand: My tent
mojohand: Ray and his tent
mojohand: At Davy Crockett State Park
mojohand: On the road with MotoTent
mojohand: View from MotoTent at HUVA2023
mojohand: Inside MotoTent at HUVA20232097
mojohand: MotoTent at HUVA2023