mojohand: Ride Home
mojohand: Thursday night libations
mojohand: Friday morning radar
mojohand: Rainy start
mojohand: Rain, rain...
mojohand: Taking a break in the rain
mojohand: Lunch stop
mojohand: Just off I-77
mojohand: Ray's here!
mojohand: Brother Ray
mojohand: Bikes in a row
mojohand: Ray and Dwight, who's showing the Rock City shotglass
mojohand: See Rock City
mojohand: Hanging out Friday night
mojohand: Mouser & Bob in the quonset hut
mojohand: Larissa!
mojohand: Brothers enjoying stuffed peppers
mojohand: Bob, Joe Motta, and others post-peppers
mojohand: Hangin'
mojohand: Dave mastering his peppers
mojohand: Peppers a'grillin'
mojohand: Leroy at breakfast
mojohand: Breakfast
mojohand: Breakfast Saturday
mojohand: Hanging out at the dorm up top
mojohand: relaxing
mojohand: More relaxing
mojohand: everyone wants to be inside
mojohand: Great shirt
mojohand: Shirt