mojohand: Red Molly and Tora Tora in Bath County
mojohand: Tora! Tora!
mojohand: Red Molly at Dan Ingalls Overlook
mojohand: Red Molly & Tora! Tora!
mojohand: Looking east from Dan Ingalls overlook on SR 39
mojohand: Red Molly makes it to the Homestead
mojohand: The Homestead
mojohand: Homestead
mojohand: Grounds of the Homestead
mojohand: The Casino
mojohand: Erin Dunston
mojohand: The back of the Homestead
mojohand: Sean & me at the Homestead
mojohand: Erin & Sean Dunston at the Homestead
mojohand: Busted!
mojohand: Bob investigating the ticket
mojohand: "Look forlorn!"
mojohand: Bob and Tora! Tora! in Waynesboro, ready to head home.
mojohand: Looking east from Dan Ingalls overlook on SR 39