mojohand: I had to stop at Haus Heidelberg in Hendersonville, NC
mojohand: Beer menu for Haus Heidelberg
mojohand: Wine menu
mojohand: Wurst in Haus Heidelberg
mojohand: Haus Heidelberg
mojohand: Haus Heidelberg
mojohand: Jack & Dave in line for food
mojohand: Jack & Dave in line
mojohand: Inside the lodge
mojohand: Sunrise
mojohand: The bridge onto the campground
mojohand: Sunrise on Saturday
mojohand: Brothers, Bikes, and Bourbon picnic table
mojohand: Misty Moisty Morning
mojohand: The Brothers' tents
mojohand: Erg...
mojohand: Martin's Dixie Depot
mojohand: What a view!
mojohand: Our small subgroup from the big group
mojohand: The groups reconvene.
mojohand: Taking a break
mojohand: at Rider's Hill
mojohand: at Rider's Hill
mojohand: Ambassador at Rider's Hill
mojohand: Eldorado at Rider's Hill
mojohand: At the Consolidated Gold Mine