mojohand: In front of the Rathaus--typical of the impromptu memorials that sprang up after 9/11
mojohand: Binnenalster, looking toward the Rathaus
mojohand: Germar
mojohand: Marina (with US Consulate in the background)
mojohand: Aussenalster
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: Flowers, stuffed animals, and more sadness
mojohand: Writing in a book of remembrance
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: P9160052.JPG
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: In front of the Consulate
mojohand: Peace march
mojohand: Peace March