mojohand: Jack & John
mojohand: Mom & Dad
mojohand: Union Station in Montgomery
mojohand: Montgomery
mojohand: Alabama
mojohand: The First White House of the Confederacy
mojohand: ...and It's Closed, of Course
mojohand: White House Sign
mojohand: Norge at Capitol
mojohand: Alabama Police Officer Memorial
mojohand: Courthouse in Ashland, AL
mojohand: Near Cheaha in Ashland, AL
mojohand: Looking at Cheaha
mojohand: On the Road to Cheaha
mojohand: Dave and Me Getting Ready
mojohand: At Point Park
mojohand: Where We Used to Play
mojohand: The Gang
mojohand: Entrance to Point Park
mojohand: The Shops & Visitor Center
mojohand: Me at Point Park
mojohand: Winchester
mojohand: Winchester
mojohand: Maria and her Pink Gear
mojohand: Maria pulling up outside of Lynchburg
mojohand: We arrive!
mojohand: Downtown Lynchburg, Tn
mojohand: Bluegrass in the Caboose BBQ
mojohand: Smokin' Bike!
mojohand: In South Pittsburg