mojohand: Fair View Plantation
mojohand: North on US 20
mojohand: Waiting on Bill
mojohand: They cut the trees down in Scottsville
mojohand: Can you see him?
mojohand: The approaching Hagan
mojohand: Zoom!
mojohand: Arriving in Scottsville
mojohand: Adding a couple of gallons
mojohand: Pig in a poke
mojohand: Hey Bill--will ya get outta the shot?
mojohand: Breva & Norge
mojohand: A stop for lunch
mojohand: No trucks allowed!
mojohand: Route 56 awaits the Guzzisti
mojohand: Bill takes his best shot
mojohand: The Blue Ridge
mojohand: Still no Bill
mojohand: Ah! There he is!
mojohand: The prodigal rider
mojohand: Looking at his shots
mojohand: At Steele's Tavern I wait on Bill
mojohand: And here he is!
mojohand: On the way home--a stop at George's Tavern