soxstripy Joe 1954: A Chaffinch in full song
soxstripy Joe 1954: P1130891-1
soxstripy Joe 1954: Canada Geese Family
soxstripy Joe 1954: Frantic Gulls
soxstripy Joe 1954: Canada Geese Goslings
soxstripy Joe 1954: Two Island Swans
soxstripy Joe 1954: P1160829-1
soxstripy Joe 1954: P1130775-1
soxstripy Joe 1954: P1170042-1
soxstripy Joe 1954: P1040967-1
soxstripy Joe 1954: Gulls take off
soxstripy Joe 1954: Gulls take flight above Q.Alexandra Bridge Sunderland
soxstripy Joe 1954: "Are your feet cold?"
soxstripy Joe 1954: "Can I have a chip ? "
soxstripy Joe 1954: Thanks for sharing!
soxstripy Joe 1954: Swan (The Boss)
soxstripy Joe 1954: Swans at Herrington Country Park
soxstripy Joe 1954: Roker Crow
soxstripy Joe 1954: Exercising his authority on the pond
soxstripy Joe 1954: Cormorant on the river Wear
soxstripy Joe 1954: Is that really me ?