mojito: pixie time
mojito: gorgeous shana
mojito: mango on a stick!
mojito: spf 70
mojito: sultry!
mojito: yay watermelon
mojito: acting out michelle's tattoo
mojito: cruise director
mojito: fab jen
mojito: new buddies debra & mimi
mojito: mimi
mojito: shana cools off in condo pool
mojito: in the land of men
mojito: imelda & cometa
mojito: how I found them at the airport
mojito: shana reads craigslist W4W aloud
mojito: cutie!
mojito: shaya
mojito: shaya & lynne
mojito: green flash hunter
mojito: sassy!
mojito: the photog at work
mojito: scrabble break
mojito: scrabble sunset
mojito: loveliest heather
mojito: feliz cumpleaños glow
mojito: Santonio hits the beach in Puerto Vallarta, MX