mojavegirl: What a Lie-mojavegirl is on the warpath
mojavegirl: Huge UGLY Trash and Recycle Bins in Texarkana
mojavegirl: At least they have color coordinated the fire hydrants to match the UGLY Trash Cans
mojavegirl: AND take this cavernous recycle can out once a week for this small amount of recycled items-WHY are we not given the choice of smaller bins?
mojavegirl: We are to DRAG this bin out to the street once a week for THIS amount of trash
mojavegirl: UGLY cavernous oversized required Texarkana WM trash and recycle bins
mojavegirl: The bins do add a certain homey lived-in look without a trace of pretentiousness
mojavegirl: You know how snow makes everything beautiful?
mojavegirl: "Keep Texarkana Beautiful" Yep, these cans are really doing a good job
mojavegirl: Ah ha, another use for the ugly WM trash cans!