Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Mimi, home secretary
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Ti Caille on shoulders
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Cat + Craddle/Couffin + Félin
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Hugo, my little polar bear/Huge mon petit ours polaire
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Cats in the window/Pyramide féline
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Waiting for the night meal from the restaurant wastes/Attente des restants des repas
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Cat In A Cold Tin Pan/Un chat dans une casserole
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Light Therapy/Luminothérapie
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Shady Moment/Moment ombragé
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Cat In A Climb/Ascendant chat
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Black tryptique
Marc Bédard Pelchat (Baydahr Pelshaw):
Ti Caille