Moi of Ra: Express Repair
Moi of Ra: Bruce Grove cafe sign
Moi of Ra: Handpainted telephone sign, Ganvie, Benin, West Africa
Moi of Ra: No pissing here
Moi of Ra: A warm welcome awaits Chez "M"
Moi of Ra: Eyebrow stall, Cotonou market, Benin, West Africa
Moi of Ra: Dirty Desposits
Moi of Ra: Danger notice
Moi of Ra: Jug of tea £1.50
Moi of Ra: To The Trams
Moi of Ra: Gert big
Moi of Ra: Conwy sign
Moi of Ra: Courage
Moi of Ra: Southwark sign
Moi of Ra: To the Dentist...
Moi of Ra: One of my favourite local shop-fronts on #Tottenham High Road. #100happydays Day 51