Mohri63: Autumn red
Mohri63: Mt.Asamayama in autumn
Mohri63: A restaurant in the forest
Mohri63: Autumn leaves
Mohri63: Cold airmass
Mohri63: A church
Mohri63: Cool down 湯もみ
Mohri63: Autumn leaves in the hollow
Mohri63: a yard
Mohri63: Autumn red
Mohri63: Growth
Mohri63: Chairs made of Mulberry 桑の木のいす
Mohri63: Spring in a mountain village
Mohri63: A restaurant in the forest
Mohri63: Sky-high
Mohri63: Moss phlox in half bloom 芝桜と武甲山
Mohri63: A path
Mohri63: Shosenkyo-canyon 昇仙峡
Mohri63: Volcanic smoke...Mt.Ontakesan 御嶽山噴煙
Mohri63: Mountains in autumn
Mohri63: Yukitsuri
Mohri63: Think of the past
Mohri63: out of window
Mohri63: Plum blossom & White snow
Mohri63: Toyama-castle & Cherry trees
Mohri63: Toyama-castle
Mohri63: Sprinkler
Mohri63: Snow country