Mohican Lily: Magnolia Plantation in Charleston, SC
Mohican Lily: Brian at the Red Bridge
Mohican Lily: Moments later...
Mohican Lily: Even though my head hurt
Mohican Lily: Rachel asks the burning question
Mohican Lily: Rachel and Brent
Mohican Lily: The long and winding road
Mohican Lily: The flowers were nice...
Mohican Lily: The middle of the hedge maze
Mohican Lily: The famous bridge
Mohican Lily: Sniff sniff
Mohican Lily: More flowers!
Mohican Lily: Brian in the Bamboo Forest
Mohican Lily: Little Boy Brian
Mohican Lily: The evil sheep
Mohican Lily: Sasha's evil twin!
Mohican Lily: Ooooooooh! Ahhhhhhhhh!