MohanRK: And the sun also rises!
MohanRK: Wood Sandpiper
MohanRK: Bar headed Geese at Magadi Lake, Gadag
MohanRK: Sunset at Magadi Lake, Gadag District
MohanRK: Bar - headed Geese
MohanRK: Bar - headed Geese
MohanRK: Wire-tailed swallows
MohanRK: Small Minivet
MohanRK: Wood Sandpiper
MohanRK: Small Pratincole
MohanRK: Ashy-crowned sparrow lark - female
MohanRK: Ashy-crowned sparrow lark - male
MohanRK: BHG
MohanRK: BHG
MohanRK: BHG
MohanRK: Bar-headed Geese
MohanRK: Bar-headed Goose
MohanRK: River tern
MohanRK: Little ringed Plover