moggs oceanlane:
Moggs is a real turkey
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Moggs is a real turkey
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Moggs is a real turkey
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Moggs is a real turkey
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Moggs at Quaintly's (she's the graceful one!)
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Moggs at Quaintly's
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Christmas Moggs
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Poor Robot... Frozen to Death
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Amidst the snowball fight, 'Tunes in SL' stands tall
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Visiting with CT - Christmas Eve 2008
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Visiting with CT - Christmas Eve 2008
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Visiting with CT - Christmas Eve 2008
moggs oceanlane:
Visiting with CT - Christmas Eve 2008
moggs oceanlane:
Visiting with CT - Christmas Eve 2008
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Visiting with CT - Christmas Eve 2008
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Valentines Booty - Kiss No. 11, 13, 15 & 21