Moggins: Greta Starting Crew ready
Moggins: Holding area, Richmond
Moggins: Holding Area, Richmond
Moggins: Gunter Crew looking good
Moggins: Gunter crew erm overtake
Moggins: We'll catch them up later
Moggins: Determination
Moggins: ..and laughter
Moggins: Thanks for the oar
Moggins: Kew Bridge
Moggins: Albert Bridge.
Moggins: Albert Bridge Mike wins best face
Moggins: Albert Bridge
Moggins: Don't let the kids beat us
Moggins: Under Lambeth Bridge
Moggins: Palace of Westminster and the London eye
Moggins: Big Ben
Moggins: So much to laugh about, under Westminster Bridge
Moggins: Rowing Collapses
Moggins: Hungerford Bridge
Moggins: Under Hungerford Bridge
Moggins: Something distracting on land
Moggins: St Pauls and the city
Moggins: Waterloo Bridge
Moggins: Between Bridges
Moggins: Millenium Bridge
Moggins: Choppy Waters
Moggins: HMS Belfast
Moggins: Tower Bridge, Pain
Moggins: Tower Bridge