moertl: Ruhe vor dem Sturm
moertl: under the whale
moertl: disco
moertl: Sihlcity *8
moertl: orange
moertl: vanishing point
moertl: walking under the lights
moertl: silver stairs
moertl: approach
moertl: school bus in front of TUM
moertl: breakfast
moertl: The Hall *1
moertl: Clock
moertl: the dark blue and the bright orange
moertl: red and white line
moertl: oval *1
moertl: oval *4
moertl: The Items I Carry
moertl: four plus six
moertl: Niagara Falls *1
moertl: snow
moertl: pole dance
moertl: Lena *3
moertl: oval *3
moertl: Im hohen Gras *5
moertl: Im hohen Gras *4
moertl: Radio City Music Hall
moertl: right-left-right
moertl: the room above your head
moertl: far away