moefadam: Salzwiese
moefadam: Wattenmeer bei Sonnenuntergang
moefadam: Spiegelungen
moefadam: Nichts, so weit das Auge reicht...
moefadam: Sonnenuntergang über der Salzwiese - Sunset above the salt marches
moefadam: Rain above the lighthouse
moefadam: Rain above the Wadden Sea
moefadam: Wadden Sea - Frozen II
moefadam: Storm Reflections I
moefadam: Storm Reflections II
moefadam: Rainbowcloud
moefadam: Wadden Sea - Frozen III
moefadam: Silent Beauty
moefadam: Golden skies
moefadam: The Eye of the storm
moefadam: Storm at the horizon, but the light is all around
moefadam: Waddensea Reflections II
moefadam: Storm!
moefadam: Waddensea reflections
moefadam: After the sunset
moefadam: The magic moment
moefadam: The single cloud
moefadam: Mudflat - Picturesque!
moefadam: Sunny Sandbank
moefadam: Hole in the sky!
moefadam: Horizon - Endless!
moefadam: Mother nature
moefadam: And after each storm, there is a rainbow to appear.
moefadam: Fly and sleep...
moefadam: The one´s joy is the other´s sorrow...