mohamedwafir: hellow part B&W
mohamedwafir: let me think!!!....
mohamedwafir: motherhood happiness vs childhood happiness
mohamedwafir: loabivaa lolekeve.
mohamedwafir: best half an hour!!!
mohamedwafir: eYe...maikko
mohamedwafir: a delicious smile
mohamedwafir: i forgot to smile..
mohamedwafir: the three musketeers
mohamedwafir: aveelaafa!....
mohamedwafir: ekaniverikan vanee..hithah libifaa!! B&W
mohamedwafir: utheemu thin badhavin
mohamedwafir: my chimpoooo
mohamedwafir: thoughtful...
mohamedwafir: Mr. Galaa