modishoo: make a sad face
modishoo: lilah in the corner
modishoo: Next to the penguin
modishoo: pinned.
modishoo: comfy friends pillow
modishoo: this is grand
modishoo: fun with friends
modishoo: among friends again
modishoo: serious
modishoo: what's that over there?
modishoo: Baby with adult hat. Resistance is futile.
modishoo: daddy's hat.
modishoo: blue eye
modishoo: worn out before growing out of them.
modishoo: what we did today.
modishoo: snotty cuteness.
modishoo: learning about composting
modishoo: more learning about composting
modishoo: i touched your lens daddy. haha.
modishoo: Where's lilah?
modishoo: Where's is she? Li . . .lah?
modishoo: belly.
modishoo: I love outside.
modishoo: cheek
modishoo: finger lickin' good.
modishoo: dirty pants
modishoo: smoosh
modishoo: not afraid to get her hands dirty.
modishoo: you lookin' at me?
modishoo: want that <<<