Rootedinstyle: light dance
Rootedinstyle: it's a summertime thing
Rootedinstyle: This little light of mine
Rootedinstyle: she sees rainbows
Rootedinstyle: blues of the sun
Rootedinstyle: hydrangea shot with flare
Rootedinstyle: plum sunset
Rootedinstyle: see how he shines
Rootedinstyle: Thank you for each moment
Rootedinstyle: pitch flare
Rootedinstyle: whisper
Rootedinstyle: boyfriend
Rootedinstyle: dusky flare
Rootedinstyle: Sometimes I think the things we see are shadows of the things to be; That what we plan we build....
Rootedinstyle: balloon girl
Rootedinstyle: screeching iron
Rootedinstyle: this little light of mine
Rootedinstyle: robins egg metal
Rootedinstyle: on fire
Rootedinstyle: sharing light
Rootedinstyle: single white chair
Rootedinstyle: On balance
Rootedinstyle: AJ friday flare
Rootedinstyle: AJ friday flare, b&w
Rootedinstyle: I see stuff like this a lot in my dreams, so I decided it should at least be doing something useful while I figure out what it means.
Rootedinstyle: fuchsia flare
Rootedinstyle: lock in light
Rootedinstyle: respect
Rootedinstyle: Good Times
Rootedinstyle: midafternoon