Kelly McCants: CIMG8225.JPG
Kelly McCants: CIMG8224.JPG
Kelly McCants: oca possibility
Kelly McCants: CIMG8218.JPG
Kelly McCants: Oilcloth Tablecloth
Kelly McCants: just arrived
Kelly McCants: not your mamma's rubber gloves tutorial---guest bloggers Little Birdie Secrets
Kelly McCants: Winter 2009 Swatch Sheet
Kelly McCants: cloths pins
Kelly McCants: straight pin
Kelly McCants: paper clip
Kelly McCants: binder clips
Kelly McCants: today is the day!
Kelly McCants: oilcloth fabric bowl
Kelly McCants: a bowl for me
Kelly McCants: getting crafty out of doors
Kelly McCants: World's Best Dad!
Kelly McCants: more stuff like tape
Kelly McCants: cutting corners
Kelly McCants: tape corners
Kelly McCants: taped up
Kelly McCants: hung up
Kelly McCants: DSCF1953.JPG