Modern Art Oxford: Simon and Tom Bloor presenting
Modern Art Oxford: Get Digital 50:50 Students meet with Gill Hart
Modern Art Oxford: Stitched Response
Modern Art Oxford: Joshua's initial ideas
Modern Art Oxford: Josh working on his strop-frame animation
Modern Art Oxford: Fiona Cranston's Final Animation
Modern Art Oxford: Get Digital students working with artist Iona Fabian
Modern Art Oxford: Richard's initial ideas
Modern Art Oxford: Draft sketches
Modern Art Oxford: Test Dancer
Modern Art Oxford: Looking through the 50 posters
Modern Art Oxford: Josh and Iona setting up the film equipment
Modern Art Oxford: Philip Glass
Modern Art Oxford: Artist Iona Fabian working with Get Digital 50:50 student
Modern Art Oxford: Josh creating a stop-frame animation
Modern Art Oxford: Get Digital 50:50 Celebration Promotional Poster
Modern Art Oxford: Fiona using film editing software
Modern Art Oxford: Fiona's stitched response to trees
Modern Art Oxford: Josh's film in progress
Modern Art Oxford: Iona's Rodchenko
Modern Art Oxford: Web Designer Neil Kinnish presenting to the students
Modern Art Oxford: Initial ideas
Modern Art Oxford: Josh's work inspired by a Richard Smith exhibition poster
Modern Art Oxford: Josh Kenyon's Final Animation
Modern Art Oxford: Josh Kenyon's Final Film
Modern Art Oxford: Richard Henley's Final Animation
Modern Art Oxford: Get Digital 50:50 Students meet with artists Simon and Tom Bloor
Modern Art Oxford: Space Place
Modern Art Oxford: Fiona Cranston's Final Animation
Modern Art Oxford: Josh Kenyon's animation