Terry.Tyson: Pulaski Monument
Terry.Tyson: Haint door
Terry.Tyson: Forsyth Park
Terry.Tyson: Swan song
Terry.Tyson: Merman
Terry.Tyson: Pulaski Monument
Terry.Tyson: Iron
Terry.Tyson: Still occupied
Terry.Tyson: Iron railings.
Terry.Tyson: Talmadge Bridge and Tug
Terry.Tyson: Talmadge Bridge, Savannah, GA
Terry.Tyson: Madison Square and the moon
Terry.Tyson: Telfair Museum, Savannah, GA
Terry.Tyson: Independent Presbyterian Spire
Terry.Tyson: Independent Presbyterian Spire
Terry.Tyson: Savannah Ghost
Terry.Tyson: Ghilarbaldi's.
Terry.Tyson: Tin ceiling.
Terry.Tyson: Fountain and the ones who know what they're for.
Terry.Tyson: City Hall, Savannah, GA
Terry.Tyson: Marion, the flutist.
Terry.Tyson: Elliot and Rosie.
Terry.Tyson: James, the singing frond weaver.