bishopbikes: D-Day Diaroma of Invasion of Omaha Beach made by my dad
CD01: Model railroad diorama
jefg99: Main Street Depot
Russ Nelson: IMG_5834
GAR Girl: George Bangs, 36th IL Vol Infantry
f5,6 (Mario): LA SOMBRA (En grande, claro)
blaskov: T-34 Model 1941 Tamiya 1/48
bishopbikes: cool colors after brazing binder mount
Thiophene_Guy: Abandoned WWII boxcar (EBT, 6 of 16)
Eugene Gannon: Blarney Cove BAR
ToyTrains: The Strasburg Railroad
bishopbikes: Jinbok (David) Lee's MAX Road Frame
saraocraft: 2010-04-18, saraocraft sunday 044