~~Gini~~: Ruby is all about the fun!
~~Gini~~: Rosie is all about the lovin'!
~~Gini~~: Rosie's rocking a SueStitches dog scarf
~~Gini~~: Ruby's Punk Puppy Scarf by SueStitches
~~Gini~~: Joyful
~~Gini~~: Rosie smile
~~Gini~~: KungFu Puppies
~~Gini~~: Ruby bat ears
~~Gini~~: snow puppy
~~Gini~~: "blech...I think I ate some yellow snow"
~~Gini~~: Got Snow?
~~Gini~~: Sweet Ruby face
~~Gini~~: Ninja Ruby
~~Gini~~: Dog eat Dog
~~Gini~~: "Play with me Mom"
~~Gini~~: Crouching Rosie Hidden Ruby
~~Gini~~: Laughing Ruby ~Ruby Riendo~ "Ruby Ria"
~~Gini~~: ~Rosto Cômica~ Funny Face ~Cara Cómico~
~~Gini~~: ~Rubinha da Fazenda~ Ruby the Farm Girl ~Ruby de la Granja~
~~Gini~~: She's "helping" me
~~Gini~~: Sleepy girl
~~Gini~~: Ruby's Sweet Face
~~Gini~~: Napping with Ruby
~~Gini~~: Ruby Sleeping
~~Gini~~: Ruby 12-21-08
~~Gini~~: Ruby 6 months old
~~Gini~~: Rosie Beadized
~~Gini~~: Xena Warholized
~~Gini~~: Brushcreek Puppies
~~Gini~~: Ruck and Xena Wait for Santa