Department of Environmental Protection:
2016-04-14 NWGT102 - 0m RB tulip poplar
Department of Environmental Protection:
2016-04-14 NWGT102 - 0m upstream
Department of Environmental Protection:
2016-04-14 NWGT102 - 25m downstream
Department of Environmental Protection:
2016-04-14 NWGT102 - 25m riffle
Department of Environmental Protection:
2016-04-14 NWGT102 - 50m RB erosion
Department of Environmental Protection:
2016-04-14 NWGT102 - 50m undercut bank
Department of Environmental Protection:
2016-04-14 NWGT102 - 50m upstream RB erosion
Department of Environmental Protection:
2016-04-14 NWGT102 - 50m upstream
Department of Environmental Protection:
2016-04-15 NWGT102_0m_phone coordinate map