Department of Environmental Protection: Photo 2 - 2007 stream restoration graded back
Department of Environmental Protection: Photo 3 - 2008 reestablishment of trees and grass
Department of Environmental Protection: Spotted salamander on log he was found under_DSC06750
Department of Environmental Protection: Alex Torrella, Don Dorsey, Jenny St. John, Mark Sommerfield
Department of Environmental Protection: Spotted Salamander Adult - Seasonal Pool Wkshop - Pool B - March2008 085
Department of Environmental Protection: Northern Red Salamander Different Lifestages
Department of Environmental Protection: Post-Restoration Sherwood Forest Riparian Wetland
Department of Environmental Protection: Pinecrest Elementary School Install
Department of Environmental Protection: Pinecrest Elementary School (2)
Department of Environmental Protection: Tree Montgomery Press Event
Department of Environmental Protection: GreenFest 2015 Kids Session12
Department of Environmental Protection: Slip-lining and Grouting of Pipes