Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Two-lined Salamander
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Green Frog
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Spring Salamander
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Two Lined Salamander Eggs
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Red Salamander Different Lifestages
Department of Environmental Protection:
Wood Frog Metamorph
Department of Environmental Protection:
Common Five-lined Skink
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Brown Snake
Department of Environmental Protection:
Eastern Red Salamander
Department of Environmental Protection:
Garter Snake
Department of Environmental Protection:
Longtail Salamander
Department of Environmental Protection:
Mud Salamander
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Dusky Salamander
Department of Environmental Protection:
Eastern American Toad
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Spring Peeper
Department of Environmental Protection:
Pickerel Frog
Department of Environmental Protection:
Spotted Salamander
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Watersnake
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Ring-necked Snake
Department of Environmental Protection:
Queen Snake
Department of Environmental Protection:
Eastern Box Turtle
Department of Environmental Protection:
Eastern Snapping Turtle
Department of Environmental Protection:
Northern Red-bellied Cooter
Department of Environmental Protection:
Midland Painted Turtle
Department of Environmental Protection:
Common Ribbonsnake
Department of Environmental Protection:
American Bullfrog