Department of Environmental Protection:
Bob Palmer explaining designs-streamwlkA_187
Department of Environmental Protection:
Gathering behind 1801 Chapel Hill_180
Department of Environmental Protection:
Gathering behind 1801 Chapel Hill_181
Department of Environmental Protection:
Gathering behind 1801 Chapel Hill_182
Department of Environmental Protection:
NW Park golf course project side-streamwlk B_189
Department of Environmental Protection:
NW Park golf course project side-streamwlk B_190
Department of Environmental Protection:
NW Park golf course project side-streamwlk B_191
Department of Environmental Protection:
NW Park golf course project side-streamwlk B_192
Department of Environmental Protection:
NW Park golf course project side-streamwlk B_193
Department of Environmental Protection:
NW Park golf course project side-streamwlkB_196
Department of Environmental Protection:
NW Park golf course project side-streamwlkB_201
Department of Environmental Protection:
NW Park golf course project side-streamwlkB_Bob Palmer_200
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NW Park golf course project side-streamwlkB-carol jumping over stream_198
Department of Environmental Protection:
NW Park golf course project side-streamwlkB-confluence_202
Department of Environmental Protection:
Parks Completed restoration-created wetland just before confluence_199
Department of Environmental Protection:
Parks Completed trib restoration on golf course- streambank toe protection_195
Department of Environmental Protection:
Parks Completed trib restoration on golf course-showing cross vane_194
Department of Environmental Protection:
Proposed wetland creation oxbow area_183
Department of Environmental Protection:
Proposed wetland creation oxbow area_184
Department of Environmental Protection:
Proposed wetland creation oxbow area_185
Department of Environmental Protection:
Proposed wetland creation oxbow area_186
Department of Environmental Protection:
Tree down behind 1700 Chapel Hill within Access route_188