Department of Environmental Protection:
Site photo
Department of Environmental Protection:
Interns with Fall Fish
Department of Environmental Protection:
Department of Environmental Protection:
Fall fish
Department of Environmental Protection:
Intern Finds a Frog
Department of Environmental Protection:
Intern Finds a Fish
Department of Environmental Protection:
Green Frog
Department of Environmental Protection:
Rosyside Dace
Department of Environmental Protection:
Fall fish
Department of Environmental Protection:
Hog Sucker
Department of Environmental Protection:
White Sucker
Department of Environmental Protection:
White Sucker compared to Hog Sucker
Department of Environmental Protection:
Cutlips Minnow
Department of Environmental Protection:
Common Shiner
Department of Environmental Protection:
Common Shiner
Department of Environmental Protection:
Long nose Dace
Department of Environmental Protection:
Cutlips Minnow
Department of Environmental Protection:
Eastern Elliptio
Department of Environmental Protection:
Eastern Elliptio
Department of Environmental Protection:
Eastern Elliptio
Department of Environmental Protection:
Eastern Elliptio
Department of Environmental Protection:
Eastern Elliptio
Department of Environmental Protection:
Shield Darter
Department of Environmental Protection:
Shield Darter
Department of Environmental Protection:
Shield Darter
Department of Environmental Protection:
Wood Frog