mocha for 2:
Waves & Rel
mocha for 2:
a walk tour
mocha for 2:
105-year old landmark
mocha for 2:
Fentons flavors
mocha for 2:
mocha for 2:
Pei, Waves, and Rel
mocha for 2:
three happy gals
mocha for 2:
Gorden and his Canon
mocha for 2:
Rel in action!
mocha for 2:
very very berry
mocha for 2:
curly fries
mocha for 2:
final note
mocha for 2:
Moon-viewing Garden
mocha for 2:
G and R
mocha for 2:
dedicative W
mocha for 2:
G watching W shooting with his (G's) camera
mocha for 2:
my picnic bag
mocha for 2:
my picnic sandals
mocha for 2:
baby boomer
mocha for 2:
flower name unknown
mocha for 2:
get down low
mocha for 2:
wanna get good angles you do this
mocha for 2:
R photographing the sleeping man