mocakesandfrosting: bigboyapthorpes
mocakesandfrosting: bigboybob2
mocakesandfrosting: bigboybob1
mocakesandfrosting: Western Michigan U.
mocakesandfrosting: Ap Fam @ KCC
mocakesandfrosting: A better shot of Bob in the gift shop
mocakesandfrosting: Bob in the gift shop
mocakesandfrosting: Caution: Hot
mocakesandfrosting: Complimentary Hot Freshly-Baked Cornflakes!
mocakesandfrosting: Nutritious Bob
mocakesandfrosting: Pop Tart Mo
mocakesandfrosting: Arthur Godfrey
mocakesandfrosting: Battle Creek Sanitarium
mocakesandfrosting: Says nothing about yogurt enemas
mocakesandfrosting: Mom and Dad love cereal
mocakesandfrosting: Lego S, C &P
mocakesandfrosting: Breakfast of Champions!
mocakesandfrosting: Snap, Crackle, Bob!
mocakesandfrosting: Glass Bad-ass
mocakesandfrosting: Cereal is made of grain
mocakesandfrosting: Cereal City!