MobtownModern: Curator Brian Sacawa on the mic
MobtownModern: The obligatory program shot
MobtownModern: Audience members
MobtownModern: Contemporary Museum Executive Director Irene Hofmann
MobtownModern: Video(ographer) and Artist Guy Werner
MobtownModern: The ensemble
MobtownModern: Mack making it sound good and Guy and Molly making it look good.
MobtownModern: Dave Ballou on the trumpet
MobtownModern: Dave Ballou can play and point at the same time. Dazzling!
MobtownModern: John Berndt and Adam Hopkins
MobtownModern: Erik Spangler on the turntables
MobtownModern: Cartoon Trades command
MobtownModern: Givin a command
MobtownModern: Bassist Joel Ciaccio
MobtownModern: Will's snare
MobtownModern: Brian Sacawa about to drop an Events command
MobtownModern: Brian starts a Runner
MobtownModern: Brian Sacawa on the slide whistle
MobtownModern: Joel Ciaccio and Erik Spangler
MobtownModern: Cellist Audrey Chen
MobtownModern: Sam Burt zapping everyone
MobtownModern: John Dierker as the guerilla
MobtownModern: Adam Hopkins, Brian Sacawa, Will Redman
MobtownModern: Volume change command
MobtownModern: L-R: Adam Hopkins, John Berndt, Will Redman
MobtownModern: Brian Sacawa leading a cobra
MobtownModern: Brian Sacawa
MobtownModern: Dave Ballou on the trumpet