mobob: front of house
mobob: view from 2nd upstairs bedroom
mobob: upstairs master bedroom
mobob: upstairs bathroom
mobob: basement window
mobob: upstairs kitchen
mobob: downstairs living room
mobob: basement
mobob: breakfast bar
mobob: chimney in wall
mobob: door
mobob: bathroom reno in progress
mobob: bathroom renovation 4
mobob: bathroom renovation 3
mobob: bathroom renovation 2
mobob: bathroom renovation 1
mobob: corner of shite support
mobob: shite support
mobob: what the hell is in here?
mobob: that looks like ash to me!!!
mobob: do you know what the hell this is??
mobob: the chimney exposed
mobob: the chimney and its inards
mobob: brick damnit!
mobob: gap between beam and ceiling
mobob: old and new windows
mobob: bathroom speed reno
mobob: crappy coat
mobob: shim nation
mobob: layers of the wall