Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Blatter and Bjorn Heidenstrom after the president signing his shirt
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The Shirt, Soccer City, PSL and President Zuma
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The CNN day; spaking about the refugee situation
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Refugee camps I visited (Kakuma, Dadaab, Chogo, Mt Kenya)
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Refugees I met in Sout Africa
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: PR Media for The Shirt
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The 30 day Brightwater event for The Shirt in Johannesburg
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The Shirt in Joburg, SA
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The Brightwater, Joburg Event
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The Shirt event
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The Shirt in Sudan
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The Shirt in Finland
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The Shirt in Sweden
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Hamburg and trying the macco pose
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The Shirt in Russian news
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The Shirt on opening of Soccer City, SA
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Hey it's me!
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The speech for UNHCR in Sudan
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Got a ball love the game (Tanzania)
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: The refugee kids
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: In Kakuma Refugee camp photo owner UNHCR Caroline Opile-1
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Refugee camp Malawi
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Riise and Heidenstrom and Perotta donating his shirt
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: tent stage one, Dadaab Refugee Camp, Kenya
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: the bigest challenge - to be lonely (self timer)
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: flatt dekk og dårlig humør
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Support and donating to The Shirt
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Heidenstrom on the FIFA HQ
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: SUFC and Brian Dean supporting The Shirt
Mobilephotos@heidenstrom: Self timer on Kissamos bay, Kreta