Jim Grey: Fountain
Jim Grey: Durango in the driveway
Jim Grey: A random curbside stove
Jim Grey: Street blades
Jim Grey: Statue
Jim Grey: Welcome to Zionsville
Jim Grey: Retention pond
Jim Grey: Focus under the tree
Jim Grey: No outlet
Jim Grey: Granddaughter
Jim Grey: Playing in the sink
Jim Grey: Playing in the sink
Jim Grey: With a cuppa
Jim Grey: Drive thru
Jim Grey: Fenster
Jim Grey: Java Jive
Jim Grey: ROW marker on Old 334
Jim Grey: Do Not Pass
Jim Grey: Big green sign over the retention pond
Jim Grey: Big green sign over the retention pond
Jim Grey: Around the bend
Jim Grey: Tire
Jim Grey: Dashboard
Jim Grey: One headlight
Jim Grey: Ford
Jim Grey: Escape
Jim Grey: Bubbles
Jim Grey: Camera shelf and family photos