Jim Grey: VW Bus
Jim Grey: Five Thirty Home
Jim Grey: One Nine Five
Jim Grey: Wet brick street
Jim Grey: Black Dog Books
Jim Grey: The Flower Shop
Jim Grey: Downtown Zionsville
Jim Grey: Between the houses
Jim Grey: In the neighborhood
Jim Grey: In the neighborhood
Jim Grey: Entrance to the post office
Jim Grey: Sheridan Post Office
Jim Grey: Central Indiana Telephone Co.
Jim Grey: Artist's studio
Jim Grey: Reserved parking
Jim Grey: Brick street
Jim Grey: Farmer's Bank
Jim Grey: Main at Jaycees
Jim Grey: Barber shop
Jim Grey: Step up
Jim Grey: Christian Church
Jim Grey: Old Forester
Jim Grey: Decoy
Jim Grey: Old Forester
Jim Grey: Miniature Speed Graphic
Jim Grey: Mugs
Jim Grey: Lidded bowl
Jim Grey: Belleek pitcher
Jim Grey: Random stuff I found in the living room
Jim Grey: House at Coxhall Gardens