Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808 + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808 + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808 + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Video taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia 808 Pure View
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808 + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808 + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808 + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808 + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure View 808 + Tripod
Kamil (mobile shooter): Taken with Nokia Pure view 808 + Tripod